
Here's the link to the better daily star's website . Frequently Asked Questions are here. You can also see how this entire project started up here.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

We made it to the Daily Star's Wikipedia Page

I guess we're becoming "official" :)
The website has been criticized widely for its poor design and slow loading pages. A renegade Better Daily Star project has been started by one of the readers posting the daily edition of the website only with better design.

Friday, February 12, 2010

BDSP getting serious publicity..

I'm overwhelmed by the interest many are showing to this project. I keep getting emails from people wanting to write about our project in magazines and websites (no newspapers so far ;) )

Now The Global Voices Online, an internationally recognized website that collects the "pulse" of countries by listening to what bloggers there are saying, wrote a post about the Better Daily Star project and how Lebanese bloggers are reacting to it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Some Problems With Internet Explorer

*Update*: The problem is a bit more stubborn than I had anticipated. This will need the big guns. The big guns will take slightly more time. Sorry. Please use Firefox, Chrome or Safari until the issue is solved.

It just came to my attention that #BDSP is not playing very well on Internet Explorer.
The problem has been identified and will be fixed by tomorrow's edition hopefully.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Stats, facelift plans and Saturday off

You guys are really liking this project. Check out the stats. We started on Wednesday and the numbers just keep going upwards.

Now, we want to make it even better. I'm getting some good feedback from you, and I need to implement some of your suggestions. For that to happen, we'll need to skip Saturday's edition, sorry..

Hopefully we'll meet on Monday with an even better daily star

Reminder: We Love The Dailystar

Just in case we were not clear, let's make the following points one more time:

-The aim of #BDSP is not to steal away viewers from the Daily Star's website. It's to regain back readers who have left them in frustration. In fact, the DS should pay us to do this :)

-This project is not meant in any way to hurt the reputation of the Daily Star. The point of this project is to try to steer the Daily Star's website away from what we believe is the wrong course

-When the Daily Star finally puts a better website in place, this project will no longer have to exist. Our mission will be done. In fact, we will turn into their biggest cheerleaders

- We completely respect intellectual property rights. We never pretend that we own this stuff or that we wrote the articles, this is why this project strives to make the correct attributions to each and every article

Have something to ask? beirutspring [at] gmail [.] com

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where we are now

So this project has gotten people talking..

In the stats, I've seen people come from Facebook (people must have posted us to their friends). Many are coming from Twitter, and most importantly, renown blogs like and waterinmajorca are enthusiastically supporting us.

We're getting between 120&150 hits per day, and it's just the beginning (wait till you tell your friends and they tell theirs). Thank you for your enthusiasm

Here's a sample comment from Qifa Nabki's reader:
wow. I feel I can breathe! I positively HATE the Daily Star website as it is now (does it sound strange that reading it makes me claustrophobic?)
In a few hours, I'll post Friday's issue, so stay tuned..